New Zealand’s Future Forests Research is making good progress with their new steep slope machine.
The head is able to productively handle crooked trees due to an improved frame roller.
The new Naarva EF28 is designed for energy wood harvesting, first thinning and integrated harvesting.
Wireless measuring and communication with the head now takes place.
The kit is fitted onto the front-end loader boom of an agricultural tractor.
The new controls ease the driving of the harvester and the operator can always sit comfortably
The head is designed for thinning operations where maximum reach is required.
By the end of 2014, Logset will have two eight-wheeled harvester models on the market.
Both the bucket and the harvester head are mounted to the end of the excavator boom.
The 10H GTE and 12H GTE Hybrid are the largest harvesters ever built by Logset.