Feller bunchers, like many other logging machines, are safe machines if maintained and operated correctly.
The new 724G feller buncher is powered by a Tier 4 final engine.
The 822D feller buncher is designed for challenging thinning and final felling.
A number of improvements have been made to service access, ergonomics and hydraulic efficiency.
The improved operators cab is applicable to all G-Series drive-to-tree feller bunchers.
This study looked at small tree harvesting, such as is found with early thinning.
Researchers have shed more light on the performance of felling machines in steep slopes.
The safety of the logging site is receiving significant focus by New Zealand foresters.
The FL-95 head is has been purpose-designed for difficult harvesting conditions.
The new Cat 563C and 573C wheeled feller bunchers are joined by the new SH-56B felling head.