Log Max - Accumulation Kit for Log Max heads

Log Max has developed an Accumulation Kit that can be fitted as an option to Log Max heads.

This allows the head to be used as a conventional harvester head as well as a multi-stemming head for thinning small wood. The accumulation unit opens wider than the maximum head opening between rollers. This allows even crooked trees to be easily accumulated. The accumulation kit is available to fit on the Log Max 3000/4000, 5000, 6000 and 7000 series. It can be run with Log Mate 402, Motomit, CabsWin and DAS 380 control systems. The accumulation process is as follows:

  1. Accumulation head is positioned to grip the first tree
  2. The main knives and accumulation arms are closed and the tree is cut.
  3. The main knives open, the head is positioned to grip the second tree. The accumulation arms remain closed and hold the first trunk.
  4. The main knives close to grip and cut the second tree. At the same time the spring loaded accumulating arms collect the second tree.
  5. Accumulation arms close and the main knives open.
  6. The head is ready to cut a third tree.

Some specifications of the accumulation kit are included below.



Log Max 3000/4000

Log Max 5000

Log Max 6000/7000

Min opening

 30 mm (1.2 in) 

 56 mm (2.2 in) 

87 mm (3.4 in)

Max opening

 552 mm (21.7 in) 

 700 mm (27.6 in) 

 850 mm (33.5 in) 


60 kg (132 lb)

78 kg (172 lb)

128 kg (282 lb)

 Source: www.logmax.com


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