Volvo inaugurates their new driveline test facility

Volvo has inaugurated its SEK 195 million driveline test facility in Eskilstuna, Sweden. The new equipment will support the company's technology shift towards electromobility.

The new building is home to several test rigs that will test both electric and conventional drivelines and components. One of the test rigs allows all a machine’s wheels to be controlled and measured independently, enabling the entire electromobility driveline to be tested in a modular way. The test facility will enable Volvo to test concepts like their HX2 autonomous, battery-electric, load carrier and the LX1 electric hybrid wheel loader. The equipment will allow Volvo to test crucial factors and see how a driveline, transmission, components etc. work in different situations. The new facilities will help build the knowledge and competence of their engineers.

Testing in the new 4,400 m2 (47,361 ft2) building is already scheduled to have started. The first projects to enter the facility will be connected to electromobility and transmissions. Although it has been designed to test drivelines in wheel loaders and articulated haulers, electromobility components from other machines could also be tested at the site along with truck axles.  The project for the new test facility began in Autumn 2014 when the funding was granted by the Group Executive Board. The new building was officially inaugurated and unveiled to hundreds of employees on Tuesday March 21st. Source

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