Recent research publications

"Soil disturbance caused by ground-based skidding at different soil moisture conditions in Northern Iran”

Occurring in the International Journal of Forest Engineering, Vol. 27 (3), 2016. The authors were R Naghdi, A Solgi, E Zenner, P Tsioras and M Nikooy. Source

"Quality and productivity in comminution of small-diameter tree bundles”

Occurring in the International Journal of Forest Engineering, Vol. 27 (3), 2016. The authors were Y Nuutinen, A Petty, D Bergström, M Rytkönen, F Di Fulvio, I Tiihonen, A Lauren and B Dahlin. Source 

"The impact of disc settings and slash characteristics on the Bracke three-row disc trencher’s performance”

Occurring in the International Journal of Forest Engineering, Vol. 28 (1), 2017. The authors were B Ersson, D Cormier, M St-Amour and J Guay. Source 

"Modeling Pine and Birch Whole Tree Drying in Bunches in the Cutting Area”

Occurring in the Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, Vol. 38 (1), 2017. The authors were P Anisimov, E Onuchin, M Vishnevskaja. Source   

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