This manual was produced by the Department of Labour of the New Zealand government, and is endorsed by the New Zealand logging industry. It is titled “A Guide to Safety in Tree Felling and Cross Cutting”. The first section deals with advice for the novice, while the second section contains advanced techniques for the experienced operator.
- Section 1 – Basic tree felling and cross-cutting. This section deals with preparing for work, detailing the physical requirements of the operator and the tools needed. In preparation for felling, guidance is provided on checking the work areas and assessing the tree to be felled. The operator is then guided to preparing the felling site, giving the basic felling techniques and shown how to fell large trees. Additional techniques on using wedges and trees with lean are provided. Some felling hazards are covered, such as hung-up trees. Cross cutting is then described, including safe tips for delimbing, tension and compression, and cross cutting large trees.
- Section 2 – Advanced techniques for experienced operators. This includes felling trees with heavy leans and more than one leader per trunk. Other techniques are provided for using winches and ropes, back pulling (pulling trees away from their natural lean), tree driving (pushing a tree over by felling another tree onto it) and working in wind-thrown trees.