The original Pipe Hook developed by Kenco used a sliding mechanism to obtain the balance point. The new Pipe Hook has a self-levelling mechanism that uses a built-in device that automatically adjusts to the weight of the pipe, and determines the optimal balancing point. The Pipe Hook can be used with any shape or type of pipe, and with any lifting machine that can lift the weight of the pipe and the Pipe Hook. The operator slides the hook fully into the pipe, and then lifts the pipe and moves it to where it is required. The weight of the pipe automatically levels it.

The Pipe Hooks are available with carrying capacities of up to 30,000 lb (13,600 kg), but larger capacity can be made upon special request. The new self-levelling Pipe Hook is only available up to 9,000 lb (4,100 kg). Each model of Pipe Hook can also be ordered as different lengths, depending on the length of pipe that is usually handled. Urethane pads on the inside of the hook prevent damage to the pipe.

To make attachment of the Pipe Hook to any lifting machine possible, a Rigmax sling assembly can also be purchased. The sling assembly allows the Pipe Hook to be attached to any machine in less than one minute. Kenco also manufactures many other innovative attachments which could have an application when building or maintaining forest roads. Videos are available on the website to show how the different attachments operate, including for the Pipe Hook. Source: www.kenco.com