A guide to managing road safety for truck drivers

The Road Safety Authority of Ireland provides help with driver safety management.

The guide was developed to ensure that all vehicles used for carrying goods and passengers are used safely and legally. It was compiled for both new and experienced drivers and operators. The guide summarises best practices for employee duties, summarises general procedures to ensure compliance to certain regulations, and explains what drivers must do to comply with the law. The guide covers the following key areas:

  • Managing tachographs and speed limiters for safety. This covers monitoring procedures and systems.
  • Monitoring and recruiting bus and truck drivers. This section covers many pertinent aspects of driver management, including recruiting, training, competency checks, sanctions, rewards, and fatigue.
  • Keeping vehicle records. This includes vehicle monitoring, driver defect reports, load details and safety, and provides ten important commandments for cargo securing.

Source: http://www.rsa.ie/en/RSA/Professional-Drivers/Driving-Safely/Managing-for-safety/

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